Melanin , the cause of blemishes and freckles, tends be thought of as the bad guy, but actually, its role is to protect your skin from UV rays. Compared to when your skin colour is darker due to tanning, you have less melanin in your skin when you are not tanned, making you more prone to the effects of UV rays. So, damage to your skin might accumulate just when you feel safe because your summer tan has abated!? The key to UV protection, is doing it all year round.
In autumn, your skin will be fatigued in autumn, due to the influence of summer UV rays. Make sure you moisturise and remove old keratin properly, keeping your skin in good shape. The humidity will have just started to lower, meaning your skin is likely to dry out. UV rays will still be fairly strong during this period , so keep up the UV care.
Even though UV rays are said to be weaker, UV A rays do not fluctuate much depending on the season, so don’t drop your guard. The atmosphere will be drier during this period, so in addition to making sure you hydrate your skin sufficiently with moisturiser, take steps to prepare your skin for spring when UV rays will increase again, for example with UV reducing essence.